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Eureka Primary School

Eureka - A wonderful, enriching learning journey where we are nurtured, inspired and challenged to be adventurers, thinkers, explorers, investigators and enquirers for life.


At Eureka we feel Maths is a key life skill which involves building confidence and competence with numbers, shapes and measures. We aim to give pupils an understanding of the number system and a wide variety of tools to solve number problems in a variety of contexts. Maths also demands a practical understanding of the ways in which information is gathered by counting and measuring, and how it can be represented in graphs, diagrams, charts and tables.


As a school we aim to develop positive learners who take pleasure in their mathematics.  Our learning consists of much more than the knowledge of a set of useful skills. It is a source of enjoyment, offering pupils to opportunity to find out for themselves through open, rich tasks which will lead to intellectual stimulation and a sense of achievement. Maths makes a considerable contribution to the whole curriculum as work in many areas and topics involve mathematical activities.


The school policy is matched to the requirements of The New National Curriculum (2014) and aims to develop fluency, reasoning and problem solving.

Times Table Rockstars

Come and have a play with our new online game, which is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice. Every child has their own login to the game so ask your teacher for it.


Each week concentrates on a different times table, with a recommended consolidation week for rehearsing the tables that have recently been practiced every third week or so. Children at Eureka can enjoy the sense of achievement that comes from answering questions and earning coins, which they use to upgrade their rock avatar. The children already have thrived on the competitive element, so choose to play in a multiplayer game against classmates or students around the world, whilst others focus on improving their rock speed and climbing the rockstar ranks to see who becomes the ultimate 'Rock Hero'!


At Eureka, we teach maths using a mastery approach. This means that pupils have a chance to represent problems in multiple ways, has the mathematical language to communicate related ideas, and can independently apply the concept to new problems in unfamiliar situations. Click on the PowerPoint to see more and how it has developed here.

Mathematics Long Term Planning

New National Curriculum 2014 Programmes of Study Y1-6

New National Curriculum 2014 Overview Maps for Mathematics Y1-6

Maths Vocabulary for the 2014 National Curriculum

Maths Policies:

Useful websites – improves children’s mathematical knowledge and ability with parental support. Video tutorials, demonstrations, games and worksheets. Annual subscription cost. – all key concepts and elements of maths are covered here as well as games and activities to support children’s understanding. – as well as homework support this website offers links to fun games and activities. – times tables – times tables - support at home to follow our maths curriculum
