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Eureka Primary School

Eureka - A wonderful, enriching learning journey where we are nurtured, inspired and challenged to be adventurers, thinkers, explorers, investigators and enquirers for life.

Important Information

Equality Objectives


Objective 1       Ensure effective use of Pupil Premium and Pupil Premium Plus, closely monitoring its impact on disadvantaged pupils.


Objective 2       Narrow the gaps in attainment between Pupil Premium children and Non-Pupil Premium children.


Objective 3       To monitor and analyse pupil achievement by gender, race, SEND and Disadvantage, acting on findings.


Objective 4       To ensure the school is as accessible as possible to children, staff and visitors (linked to SEND need and accessibility plan).


These objectives will be monitored by the Governing Body regularly, and reviewed annually in the summer term.

Equality Duty and Equality Objectives January 2024 Policy

Personal Injury Claims

The school is part of Derbyshire County Councils insurance scheme and any claims against the school should be directed to the county council electronically using the Claims Notification form and e-mailed to

For more information click on the document below

Private School Fund

Governors approve the receipt of The Private School Fund Audited Accounts and these are available, if you should wish to view them.

If you have a complaint, please follow the procedures set out in the document below.
