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Eureka Primary School

Eureka - A wonderful, enriching learning journey where we are nurtured, inspired and challenged to be adventurers, thinkers, explorers, investigators and enquirers for life.

Young Carers


Young Carers at Eureka


The Children and Families Act 2014, gives all young carers (regardless of the amount , frequency or nature of caring activities they undertake) a right to an assessment of their needs.The assessment must take account of the wishes of the young carer to participate in education, training, or employment and engage in recreation. The local authority will be required to provide a copy of the assessment to the parent and young carer, and also other parties on the request of the young carer or parent.This may include the school.



If you feel that your child is carrying out any of the tasks below on a regular basis due to your physical or mental health issues or the needs of a sibling, then please contact the school.


Ring and ask for an appointment with Miss Hurt or Mrs Silk.


Tasks may include:


  • Housework –cleaning ,washing, shopping.
  • Child Care – looking after younger siblings.
  • Physical care- lifting, helping up the stairs.
  • Personal Care – often intimate, e.g. washing, dressing, help with toileting.
  • Managing medication – collecting prescriptions, administering daily tablets.
  • Financial - Managing the family budget, paying bills, collecting benefits.
  • Emotional support-listening, being there.
  • Interpreting (either because of a hearing or speech impairment or because English is not the first language of the family e.g. children of asylum seekers, or new immigrants from East European Communities).

