Welcome to Thinkers 2024/2025
Meet The Team!
Miss Baker - Class Teacher
Mrs Davis - Class TA
This term our PE days are Monday and Wednesday. Monday we will be doing Real Dance where we will focus on different movements and combining movements together in a sequence to make a dance routine, Wednesday will be our Real PE session where we will be focusing on physical skills, developing every child's ability to keep trying and persevere with a task. Please make sure your child comes to school in PE uniform on these days, long hair tied back and jewellery removed.
Our topic this half term is Geography, studying the question 'Would you rather live in Birmingham UK or Birmingham USA?'. We will locate different places on a map and we will learn about different landmarks and tourist attractions in the both Birmingham's.
In science we will be looking at seasonal change in Britain. We will observe and describe weather associated with each season and how day length varies and observe changes across the four seasons. We will also look at what celebrations take place in each season.
For our Art until we will be learning all about the artist L.S. Lowry, we will focus on a painting called 'Gentleman looking at something' the children will experiment recreating the picture through drawing using crayons and pastels, they will focus on the body language and feelings of the person in the picture and try to show this in their own work. They will then progress to make a sculpture of their drawing using pipe cleaners or clay.
In computing we will be learning how to programme a moving robot. We will learn all about different directions and how to command and programme robots to move. We do this using bee - bots and the children will learn to make their bee - bot move following a sequence of commands.
As always we will have a strong focus on reading and writing this term. All year 1 children have daily phonics sessions working towards taking their phonics screening check so reading and phonics practice at home is very important as well as our daily phonics, spelling and grammar sessions. We will also be having a big focus on presentation and handwriting, all children should have clear joined handwriting by the end of year 2.
Reading and Spellings
Reading at home and sharing a book with your child is really important! Your child should spend around 10-15 minutes each night sharing a book with you and then asking them questions based on their book. Why, How do you know and Explain are excellent questions to use to get your child really thinking about what they have read.
Your child will also bring home spellings every week, your child will need to practice their spellings in the front of their spelling book every week ready for their spelling test each Friday.