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Eureka Primary School

Eureka - A wonderful, enriching learning journey where we are nurtured, inspired and challenged to be adventurers, thinkers, explorers, investigators and enquirers for life.


Y4 / Y5




Eureka children who research, examine and study information in order to discover and learn.


The Investigators Team

Mrs Mitchell and Mrs D'Oyley

Mrs Topliss and Mrs Homer-Doyle

Class Information

P. E.

PE is on Monday and Thursday afternoon. Please make sure your child has the correct PE uniform with suitable footwear and is able to remove their own earrings – ideally to come into school without earrings on a PE day.



This will be set on the computer in Spelling Shed, TTRockstars and Mathletics to be completed by Tuesday each week. There will be a spelling test on Mondays of the previous week’s words. There is a termly choice homework sheet sent home with a variety of activities to do – these can be brought into school or uploaded to the google classroom.


Investigators Curriculum Spring 2025

Literacy Learning

Spelling Shed is set up for your child to access the spellings they need to practise each week. The children will work on the spellings in school and then be able to practise as part of their homework, with a test on Mondays in class to see how we are progressing. Please help them to use spelling shed during the week. They will also have a spelling sheet as part of their homework.

Spellings Year 4 - These show all the spellings from Autumn 1 to the end of the year, the headings at the top show the term.

Spellings year 5 - these show all the spellings from Autumn 1 to the end of the year, the headings tell you which term.

Homework in Investigators will be set on spelling shed, Times Tables Rockstars and mathletics, due to be completed by Monday please, new work will be set from Tuesday. They will have a spelling test on a Monday - all their spellings will be in their spelling shed assignments (passwords in their diary).


As well as the spellings and maths, please encourage your child to read to you and sign their diary for them, so we can award stickers to reach the certificate goals. Links at the bottom of the page will take you to our websites and google classroom if the children would like to send homework in this way - there is a homework hand in available.


If the children are able to read to an adult, with their diary signed, at home 3 times in the same week between Saturday and Friday they can choose a reading pal to sit on their desk until the end of the week!

Choice Homework Spring 2025

Websites to use for home learning

All subjects:

KS2 - BBC BitesizeKS2 - England - BBC Bitesize

Spring geography help: KS2 Geography - BBC Bitesize



EdShed Web Game - Spelling Shed



Mathletics: Mathletics Sign In

Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (


To access our google classroom the children will need their username and password (which has been stuck in the front of their reading diary along with the usernames and passwords for their other websites).

After their user name they need to add


Investigators' Google Classroom...



