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Eureka Primary School

Eureka - A wonderful, enriching learning journey where we are nurtured, inspired and challenged to be adventurers, thinkers, explorers, investigators and enquirers for life.

Online Safety

Online Safety

Eureka Primary School is committed to the well-being and safety of your child, both in the real world and online; the virtual world. We believe that all of our children have the right to be 'SAFE, HAPPY and COMFORTABLE'  wherever they are learning. We take online safety very seriously and encourage our children to speak out and share any concerns they may have with a trusted adult.




                                National Online Safety Guides


National Online Safety provides the most up to date guides for social media apps and platforms.

Click on the links to find out more information about each piece of advice, app, or to download useful tips.

Additional advice and newsletters can be found further down the page...


Scary Challenges OnlineAdvice about TiktokAdvice about WhatsApp
Roblox Guide for Parents and Carers12 Top-tips to support your mental wellbeing. 

Online safety is part of our 'Safeguarding Golden Thread' that runs through everything we do at Eureka. We are always alert to this as we use technology throughout the school day, to support our teaching and learning across the curriculum. 

Each year, during the Spring term - we hold a whole school Safer Internet Day - in line with the day that is held all over the world. During this time, we pay particular focus to online safety, deepening our knowledge and understanding to support us in protecting ourselves when using technology; following the theme of the day across the world.


The theme for 2023 was:                 "Want to talk about it?"  Focussed on making time to talk about a child's time online.    


The theme for 2022 was:                "All fun and games" focussing on gaming safety.


The theme for 2021 was: 

                                                           "Together for a better internet" for a second year.


The theme for 2020 was:   

                                                          "Together for a better internet"


The theme for 2019 was:

"Our Internet, Our Choice: Understanding Consent in a Digital World"


The theme for 2018 was: 

 “Create, Connect and Share Respect: A better internet starts with you”.

