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Eureka Primary School

Eureka - A wonderful, enriching learning journey where we are nurtured, inspired and challenged to be adventurers, thinkers, explorers, investigators and enquirers for life.

Special Educational Needs - Parent Information

SEND at Eureka

How does a child go on the SEND register?

Your child could go on the SEND register if the teacher has a concern about the progress your child is making. There are 3 assessment points throughout the year and the results are discussed at pupil progress meetings with the Headteacher and assessment leader. If there is a concern regarding progress, then staff will raise this with the SENDCO through a concerns form and this starts a process of monitoring and discussion around whether additional support is required and whether they would benefit from being placed on the school’s SEND register.

You may also have a concern and can raise this with the class teacher or the SENDCO. A decision is then made as to whether your child should be placed on the SEND register.


What does it mean if your child goes on the SEND register?

 If it is agreed that your child should be placed on the SEND register, it means that your child has an additional need and/or a diagnosis in one of the following areas:

  • Communication and Interaction (speaking and listening, social skills/relationships, expressive language)
  • Physical and sensory (physical impairment/need, needing/reacting to a sensory stimuli)
  • Cognition and Learning (progress and attainment in lessons, ability to process and understand information)
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health. (emotional regulation/support, anxiety, depression, dysregulation)


How is the SEND register organised?


The SEND register is split into several sections:


  • EHCP  These pupils have an EHCP issued by the Local Authority and usually receive additional funding. These pupils may have additional adult support. The EHCP is a statutory document and is reviewed at least annually.  It is the Local Authority’s responsibility to ensure that school has the funding to provide the provision outlined in the EHCP so that the needs of your child can be met in a mainstream school. An EHCP remains in place up to the age of 25 although should be amended and reviewed, an EHCP stays with the child should they move school so that the correct provision can be provided no matter which school the child attends.
  • INCLUSION FUNDING  These pupils receive some additional funding by the Local Authority. This is usually short term, whilst school implement targets and review support, there is no legal obligation to report progress. Inclusion funding can be withdrawn by the Local authority at any point and would not move with a child should they leave Eureka.
  • THOSE PUPILS WITH IEPs/ADDITIONAL TARGETS (but do not receive additional funding) These pupils may see a professional from outside of school such as Speech and Language, Educational psychology and Targeted and Specialist Support at key points throughout the year. Targets are usually issued by these professionals, school then ensure these targets are implemented. These targets are monitored and reviewed by school throughout the year and progress shared with parents.  Some pupils may not have outside professionals involved but school recognise they require additional support to ensure they make progress. These children may have an IEP which is an Individualised Education Plan and the targets for this are written by the class teacher and reviewed at points throughout the year. These IEPs will be shared with parents so that progress can be reviewed and next steps identified.

MEDICAL Pupils with a medical condition but whose needs can be met through quality first teaching in the classroom are placed within this section of the SEND register.  These children may have a diagnosis such as ASD, a hearing impairment, a visual impairment or a physical impairment. They are placed on the monitoring part of the SEND register so that school are aware of the diagnosis but do not at present require additional targets or a

personalised learning plan. If there becomes a need for additional support then they would move to the IEP/additional targets section or to the inclusion/EHCP sections if there became a need for additional funding for school to meet their need.


  • MONITORING These pupils may have an identified need or have raised some concerns for staff/parents but their needs are currently managed by small adjustments as part of quality first teaching and do not currently require additional targets. If there becomes a need for additional support then they would move to the IEP/additional targets section or to the inclusion/EHCP sections if there became a need for additional funding for school to meet their need.

How does Eureka support pupils with SEND?

At Eureka we have interventions linked to SEND that run each afternoon in school for half an hour a day. We provide interventions that support specific areas such as Speech and language, touch typing, working memory, fine motor and social and emotional nurture sessions. This is above the quality first teaching that takes place in all classrooms and is due to an additional need. The interventions are monitored termly and children are allocated spaces in these on a needs basis.

QUALITY FIRST TEACHING – what does this mean?

Quality first teaching is the provision provided within the classroom. This includes seating arrangements, the provision of sensory aids, small adjustments to the curriculum that can easily be provided so the child can access the learning. These adjustments are usually provided long term and so whilst will be reviewed do not require additional targets or funding to access. All children regardless of a diagnosis/need will access quality first teaching in all classrooms at Eureka. All classes have their own sensory aids that children can access, ear defenders and seating arrangements are reviewed regularly. Sensory audits are carried out within classes as needed to ensure that pupils needs are met and this will then influence the seating arrangements/layout of the classroom.

DIAGNOSIS v NEED –will my child get support if they don’t have a diagnosis?

Just because a child has a diagnosis doesn’t mean they require additional funding or support and likewise children without a diagnosis may need additional support from school.  Each pupil’s needs are assessed individually and when the support required is significant then additional support is sought by school –this may be through a referral to outside agencies or through an EHCNA (Education, Health, Care needs assessment) request.  Once a need is identified, staff at Eureka will not wait until a diagnosis to implement support –we believe in providing what we can so that children can thrive in our school.

Some pupils have a diagnosis but are performing in line with their peers and coping well in school. These pupils do not need additional funding or additional support. They are placed on the SEND register in the monitoring section so staff are aware of the diagnosis and should additional support be required this can be quickly implemented by school.

Children are assessed by school at regular intervals and may be placed on the SEND register at any point. This will be done after consultation with parents, teachers and the SENDCO. Pupils needs may also change and additional support may no longer be required. When this happens, pupils are then removed from the SEND register. Both going onto the register and being removed from the register will be done in consultation with parents, class teacher and the SENDCO.


