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Eureka Primary School

Eureka - A wonderful, enriching learning journey where we are nurtured, inspired and challenged to be adventurers, thinkers, explorers, investigators and enquirers for life.

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Christmas Competition

    Wed 29 Nov 2017 Miss Hurt
    Clothing4 in Swadlincote, who provide uniforms, are running a Christmas competition.  You can decorate a template for them to hang on their Christmas tree and there are prizes.  The letter explaining everything and the templates can be found in 'Children' and then 'Class Pages' on this website.  Good luck!
  • Deep Clean of the School

    Mon 20 Nov 2017 Miss Hurt

    Having had discussions with South Derbyshire Environmental Health and Derbyshire County Council, the school will be having a deep clean from 3.30pm today.  In order to limit the risk of further sickness, please collect your children from 1pm this afternoon.  The school will be open as normal tomorrow.


    Please can we stress the importance of keeping children off school for 48 hours after the last time they were sick or had diarrhoea even if they are presenting well.


    Please read the following information regarding sickness and the noro virus.


    Thank you

    Miss Hurt

  • The Great School Meals Bake Off

    Wed 15 Nov 2017 Miss Hurt
    We have held the cupcake competition this morning and there were 9 fantastic entries!  Thank you to all of the children who entered, your cakes looked great.  Mrs Chapman, our catering supervisor, chose the winner - well done to Bethan in Investigators!  All children who entered will receive a small prize from the catering department at Derbyshire County Council.  A photograph of our winning cupcake has been sent to head office where an overall winner will be chosen.  Fingers crossed it's us!
  • Anti-Bullying Week

    Mon 13 Nov 2017 Miss Hurt

    This week is Anti-Bullying week, with the theme of 'All different, all equal'.  To begin the week, we have enjoyed an assembly this morning thinking about whilst there are many things that make our faces the same, there are things that make them different and unique.  Without each different person in the room, our school would not be the same.  Each person is valuable to our school.  We should celebrate our differences but also understand how important it is to work together and appreciate how those differences help us all to be a better community - one that works together to prevent bullying.





  • Merit Reward Lunches

    Fri 10 Nov 2017 Miss Hurt
    This week has seen the start of our merit reward lunches for those children who have earned 150 merits for behaving well and following our school rules consistently.  The tables were laid with new tablecloths and new 'smiley face' cups were bought in order to enjoy a juice or smoothie.  At every place, for every child, was sat a crown, which was worn proudly and made them all smile when they were able to keep them!  The children were thrilled and had a lovely time, as did I.  I am very much looking forward to more next week and those children on the list are eagerly awaiting their turn!